About Becci

Name: Rebecca
Nickname: Becci
Age: 24
Sign: Leon (Chinese: Rabbit)
Location: Sweden

Occupation: Teacher.
Likes/loves: Fashion, especially Japanese fashion, make-up and hair, languages, Japan, karaoke, My boyfriend and my friends, traveling, partying, blogging, cats, dekoden, nail art, shopping.
Style: Inspired by japanese styles and Korean style. Also western bloggers fashion.

Favorite shops/brands: Egoist, Duras, Emoda, Spiral Girl, Zara, Bik Bok, Monki, Acne, Top Shop, H&M and much more. Anything that looks good!
Inspiration: People on the streets, Japanese magazines like Jelly, Happie Nuts, Vivi. Bloggers. Korean drama. Lookbook.

Role model: Coco Chanel 
Current obsession: Skin Care
Favorite drinks and food: Matcha latte, bulgogi, sushi, tonkatsu, lasagne~
Favorite bands/artists: Nell (korean alternative rock band), Yozoh, Queen, Deadmau5 etc

Other sites:
Twitter: Lovelygyunyu
Tumblr: Kirakiradreams
Youtube: Lovelygyunyu

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