October 14, 2009

☆Kira Kira! Bling Bling! ☆

I bought some really cheap deko-stuff in Japan this summer and I haven't really used them. So today I decided to bling my cellphone!
I think it looks pretty good, at least for my first dekoden!
I got a bit carried so I did my camera too!

The deko-stuff I used are pre-glued, so I guess it was kind of easy. But I had to cut many of the pieces individually. I hope it won't fall off too early! >_<


  1. SO SHINY! Now I kinda want to decorate my phone too >3<

  2. aaah det är svårt ju :( jag lyckades en gång, efter det har det gått käpp rätt åt helvete :( *sadness*
    men! man kan göra om, göra rätt!!

    Hur som helst jättesöta grejer <3

  3. So preetty!! Your phone looks so kawaii now. And you camera. x)

  4. I love decorating cell phones! It is very cute <3

  5. Zarsu: Yes! I love shinyness! *___*

    Rika: Jaa, visst är det? >_< men man får bara fortsätta öva!

    Tack så mycket! ^___^

    Manda: Tack söto!<33

    Aly: Thank you! X3

    Aralka: Me too! Thank you!<3


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