November 2, 2009

♥It's Been 4 Years♥

It's been 4 years now since me and Hyo got together.
I must be the luckiest girl in the whole wide world.
He's the love of my life, my soul mate and my best friend. I love him so much!♥

We got together at a convention 4 years ago.
This photo is taken at that very convention. I was cosplaying Lust from an anime called Full Metal Alchemist and Hyo had really long hair.
I guess we've both changed!
This photo is taken 2005-11-02.

Because we were living far away from each other at that time I was sad that he wouldn't be able to see me graduate. But then he surprised me, by not telling me that he'd come and just showed up the day before my graduation. I was so surprised and happy!<3 br="">June- 2006

Spring - 2007
December- 2007

Seoul - Summer 2009

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Hyo, Saranghaeyo.


  1. damn, four years. i'm so jealous T-T


  2. d e kul att se, for gyaru e so mkt hetare an loli :) kram fran marcus.

  3. soo cute. I'm following your blog.
    you two are soo cute together.

  4. I wish you a lifetime of happiness!

  5. you are so cute!!
    stay 4ever together! ^_____^

  6. What a lovely couple~ A cute girl and handsome man~! I wish you much happiness ^^

  7. oh my :) I have always wished that i would find some cute guy from Japan.. U really inspired me more!!:)

  8. Anonym: Aaaw ^___^ Thank you!<3

    Marcus: Jaa, det är det! Gyaru love<3 *kramar*

    Unni: Taaaack!<33

    ^-^: Thank you! X3 I'm happy you like my blog!

    criztinita: Thanks hun!<3

    Mimisa: Thank you!<3 I really wish that too!<3

    Yoli: Thank you!^___^

    さらまり: Thank you~! X33

    Chiayo: Actually, he's from South Korea :3 Thank you! I feel very flattered that I can inspire some people!<3

  9. Ni är seriöst finaste paret! Saknar er <3
    o grattis igen! <3

  10. grattis! <3 men känns inte poemet på nedersta bilden lite mismatchat, det låter ju mer som om ni har gjort slut?

  11. Man blir så himla glado ch lycklig när man ser er. Ni är så fruktansvärt fina ihop! Grattis!! <3 ^^


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