December 6, 2009

♥Sushi Date♥

Yesterday me and Hyo went on a date on our favoite sushi restaurant!
I wanted to treat him and I thought it would be fun to do something just the two of us.

Of course I had to dress up!

I did have time for eyelashes and my hairspray was used up, but I like how my make-up turned out! :3
Being silly! :P

At first me and Hyo got our greentea and then we got our miso soup. Mmmm!
My love is such a cutie!>

Yeah! That's me eating sushi!

It tasted sooo good! And I love how they decorate the plate!

Hyo pouring up soy sauce. So cuuute!

Guess what? I asked if they had greentea ice cream and they did!
It made the evening complete!

Sorry, these videos are in Swedish >_< type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="440" height="420">
We're eating my favorite ice cream EVER, greentea ice cream!


  1. I like so much your coordination! You look mature and elegant <3

  2. Cute outfit:)
    The sushi looks so tasty!

  3. I agree with Aimi, you look very mature in that outfit. It looks like it was a nice date^^

  4. you guys are so cute together, love the outfit btw :)

  5. so cuuuuute especially the part with the green tea ice cream ^^ /wohoooo, då blir jag såhär glad XD

  6. Waaah you to look soo cute together!! <3 And the food look soo delicious *Q*... Yummy! And your outfit is sexshyy :D <3 xD


    hug ^ - ^)/ Merry x-mas

  7. Aimi: Thank you! ^___^ I like it too! I feel very comfortable wearing it!

    Lanna: Thank you!<3 It WAS! *___*

    さらまり: I guess it's a bit different to what I used to wear before. Yes, it was! ^____^

    Bianca: Thank you! X3 It makes me happy to hear!

    Rose: Hahaha, I felt like the happiest girl in the world because of the greentea ice cream!<3

    Alexandra: Thank you~~!!! X33 I know, and it truly was! Thanks sweetie!<3

    You too! Merry Christmas! *hugs back*

  8. I simply love reading your blog :)
    And Green tea ice cream.. mmm I wish i could buy it in Denmark.

    btw, your skirt is SO gorgeous!

    Louise :)

  9. Thank you~! I'm happy you like it!<3
    Yeah, it's great! X3

    Thank you~! I love it!


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