January 19, 2010

At Uni-uni-university

Yesterday I went to the introduction of my new course at Uni.
I haven't had the time to do my make-up or hair properly for a while so I was very excited (maybe too excited) to finally get myself ready for real!

I even used lashes! It's my first time wearing lashes to Uni. Maybe it's too much? But I don't care! It's fun!
Anyways, I was pretty pleased with my make-up.

I wore a simple coordinate.
My engineer boots I got for Christmas and the legendary ganguro T.

I'm about to read maths for teachers now, and maths isn't really my strong subject, but this introduction gave my hope.
(By the way, this hall looks so typically Uni)

My classmates Madlen and Rebecca were taking the same bus home.
I'm happy that I have some friends I know in this class. We need to stick together! T_T

By the way, I had marks on my forhead the whole evening after taking my headband away.
Luckily they're gone now! XD


  1. you so very cute i like your makeup

  2. cute makeup!!!

    (btw: I'm clubraito from LJ haha)

  3. Haha, jag håller med dig. De är knäppa, men ändå så coola på samma vis!

  4. Nu har jag länkat till din blogg :D

  5. Haahaa~ I know the feeling! You get rushed everywhere for so long that when you have the chance to really apply make & do hair properly it feels sooo fantastic! You look adorable by the way too :D and psshaw~ lashes are never too much XDD

  6. Cute makeup! And the outfit is perfect for uni ;)

  7. love your hair!! its perfection

  8. love the outfit!!

    i wish my university had desks like that!! i had the folded ones >_<

  9. LovelyKimi: thank you~!<3

    Kira: Thank you!! X33

    Rui: Thank you!^___^

    Madde: Jaa, visst är det! :D Så bra!

    Jenny: Haha, yes, exactly! XD Thank you! I was really pleased with it! Haha, I should wear it more! :D It's fun!

    Kanae: Thank you!^__^ Hehe, good!

    Bianca: Thank you!<3 It's not perfect, but I like it :3

    grace: Thank you!^^
    Hahha, it's just like in the movies! :P


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