March 11, 2010

Cutest Puppy in the World!

Okay, this is the last one for today!
I know some of you might have seen it already, but I think it's so cute I just had to post it!


  1. so adorable!
    i love dogs, they are my favourite animal *-*

  2. Omg! it's so sweet!!! i love french bulldogs and dogs in general! <3 thanks for the video!

  3. I've just found your blog.
    You and your blog are so looovery!
    I'm japanese fashion designer.
    Please check out my blog<33 XX

  4. It's so freaking cute *_*
    We should look at more puppy videos next time~♥♥

  5. Bommiie: I knooow!<3 Cats are acutally my favorite animal, but this really makes me wanna change my mind!

    criztinita: Hahah, no prob!^^ They are really really cute!

    Sayablack: Thank you~! -^____^- I'm very happy you like it! Wow, a fashion designer! :O That's really amazing! I just did!^^ I'm following you now!

    Unni: Hihi, thank you for showing me this! I really died out of cuteness! Yes, we should!<3


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