January 20, 2011

Pink Cup

This is me tonight, studying while drinking some honey sweetened tea. I admit, I threw on some make-up just for this photo, haha. So obvious! To be honest I've been very lazy with everything lately and I don't know why. I hardly do my make-up hair when I go to school so there's really nothing nice to show you :( therefore the lack of posts.
I'll try to get better at it!

By the way! I've decided to go to this event in Oslo:
It's going to be AMAZING, because a lot of gals around Europe are coming!
So I've already started to think about what to wear! Yeah, I know, it's early, but I'm crazy about this and I want to look as good as possible! ^___^



  1. I know you r going to look just fine you dont need to worry honey! you look cute every time! n_n

  2. So cutee:) The meet in Norway sounds like it'll be fun.

  3. Even though it's just for the picture, your makeup looks perfect <33!! XD

  4. I see now! haha XD

    Im getting to the down part, especially with weight gain... Im gonna go put some lashes on haha

  5. You look so cute, I love your pink cup and usamimi ^_^
    Aaw, I wish that Oslo meet-up was like a month later so that I could go as well ;___;

  6. becca cuute :D i love your mug, its looks like lolita brand gift ^^

    im sooo looking forward to norway !! its gonna be awesome :D

  7. I need to buy some tea, I drank it everyday in Japan but here I just drink water and it gets boring haha!

    Oh is that going to be a very big meetup in Europe?? I didn't realize people will travel to Norway just to go to it XD How nice it is you can travel easily in Europe. I can't wait to see the pictures of it hehe

  8. omg is that huge fake clothespin in your cup a tea stick/ball?? That is so awesome!! XD lol~
    Looking lovely as always~ though I bet you don't need a stitch of makeup to look pretty! ;D ♥

  9. aww, you look so cute like that^^ such a pretty photo~

  10. Aaw, thanks you so much, Michi!♥♥♥

  11. Hahaha, PS gave it to me, so you can get it too XD lol

  12. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but, it's actually PS. What's your secret? :P Because my skin is actually not that nice T_T

    Yeah, but maybe we could meet if I go to L.A someday soon ^___^

  13. Thank you! ^___^
    Hahahah, I'm just like that! I almost always sleep when I get back from school... sooo freakin' tired! XD

  14. Thanks sweetie~! ♥ ^___^

    Yeaah, I soo looking forward to this!
    Naaw, I wish I could meet all the amazing gals in US! Maybe I could go to L.A someday :3 diamond gals rules!

  15. You look supercute *Q*
    And you cup is sweeet <3


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