March 23, 2011

Oslo Meet-up: CoutureTime - Day 2

Hey everyone!
I'm actually still very busy, but I really wanted to post more photos from the meet-up in Norway.
WARNING! There's A LOT of pictures! I had a hard time choosing which photos to post and I still ended up with a lot. If you want to make the photos bigger just click 'em!

The next day, of the weekend in Oslo was of course on Saturday. The day consisted of eating at restaurants, shopping and a gal party which Monica had organized.
Here's Laura, Monica, me, Viivi and Sascha waiting for the subway train to meet with the other gals downtown.
Don't we look fierce? 8D

Here's (I think) all of us!
Photo by Monica
We were quite many! I'm so happy I got the chance to meet so many wonderful people! I miss you soo much already!

At first we went to a restaurant which Monica had reserved tables for us all.
Everyone was looking so fabulous!
When you meet so many gorgeous people you'll get very inspired!

And finally my meal arrived! I was starving!
As Viivi said, the meal is an art in itself. So pretty and delicious looking, don't you think?
And it was yummy as well!

Me and Viivi.

Hege and Hanna looking cute~

Lena and me~

The cool looking guys at my table!
Sascha, Kohta and Davy.

This is what happens when there's a big mirror in the restrooms!
And by the way, what is Sascha doing in the women's restroom?
Haha, he was lurking outside so I told him to get in to take pictures with us!

Awkward model-pose! Yeah!

After the dinner we went for some shopping (and in my case "air-shopping", because Norway is freakin' expensive).

All the walking in heels made us tired So we found a place to chill for a while~
That's why I have this cool picture of Sascha sitting down.
I really like this picture of him!

I realize now that I've only taken pictures of us all the time and almost nothing on the surroundings!
Maybe that's how vain we are? Hahaha XD
Here's Maria, me, Viivi and Ingvild!
By the way, I go the chance to style Maria's pretty long hair that day, so her hair was styled by me. I was actually very pleased with it even though I had to hurry with it.

They're both very pretty! I'm happy I got the chance to meet them again, they're so nice and fun to hang out with!

Me and Viivi again!
I really like this picture of us, It's fun!

Later on we ate again, since me and Rebecca (yes, her name is awesome~) weren't that hungry we decided to share desserts. I think we had to wait about an hour or something to get it.... it was freakin' ice cream and fruits!
Photo by Frida
Here's Eivind, me, Signe, Rakel, Rebecca and the back of Michelle's head, hahah

Later on it was party a our own rented place!
We didn't have the time go back home to change so I just threw on some red lipstick and changed from hat to bow and there was my party look! As simple as that!
Here's Laura, Imke, me and Sascha at the party!

The guys at the party! Only 4 guys!
Kohta, Sascha, Eivind and Davy!

Me and Maria.
She's too gorgeous!

Getting a lil' tispy...
Me and Davy. I had lot's of fun at the party and I actually didn't take that much photos because I was too busy drinking and having fun, hahah

I'll stop there for now. Next time I'll blog about Sunday of the meet-up in Norway.

Thanks everyone for making this weekend amazing!



  1. OHHH you guys look like you had a lot of fun! : D The photos of you and Viivi are hilarious! XD hahaha! You all look so stylish!

    Ohhh and the foooood porn! *_* nomnomnom

  2. everyone looks so hot <3 i especially like the photo of sascha sitting down! coooool! and your bathroom group photos are funny <3

  3. You and everybody look so great~~!! you have such a pretty smile :) !

    it's so great to make meetups like this one! your big curls were so beautiful!<333

  4. Haha, the last pic of us xD
    My Oslo update will be up tomorrow!

  5. everyone looks fabulous :D

  6. It was such an amazing time.
    You're always so nice and so fu***** pretty girl
    I hope we can meet in Stockholm or somewhere else soon <3<3<3

  7. everyone is so pretty and stylish, it's an inspiration just looking at these photos! your hair is so amazing, it's able to last a full day without managing to look limp near the end of the night *o*

  8. i LOVE your hair! you're such a beautiful gal~~ *o*

    "And by the way, what is Sascha doing in the women's restroom?" hahahaha XDDD

  9. One freaking hour for dessert, insaaane.
    But it was awesome girl xD <3

  10. Yay more great photos. When I see the photos of you with Viivi, Monica, Ingvild I feel so impressed. Like gyaru power whoa! XD I hope that makes sense hehe ^^/

    It really looked like everyone was so friendly and having lots of fun, I wish I could meet all these great gyaru someday >3<

    Oh btw, I keep meaning to say this but forgetting; you look like Takahashi Maiko XD

  11. the photos are amazing! looks like you had a lot of fun! and you girls look so so lovely <3 I just adore the way you wear your hair <3

  12. You guys all look amazing! ♥ Fabulous photos~

  13. I miss this weekend and you so much! I hope to see you again soon.

  14. I would seriously, totally make love to Sascha's hair. It's amazing. It's perfect. Ah. <3


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