July 9, 2011

A Change and Things to Review

Hey guys!
It's been a while since I blogged last time. It's really because I'm busy all the time with work. I look awful these days, to work I don't wear any style at all so it's better that I spare you all from my disastrous look.

Have you noticed something different?

Yeah, I finally changed my address from kirakira-dreams.blogspot.com to


Isn't it great?! I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and now I finally did it. I think it's might be easier to find this blog and it'll be faster to type when it's shorter like this, don't you think?


So I have a lot to review and I really need to find the time to review the items. So here's a little sneak-peek on what's coming up soon.

Neo Cosmos Gray
- Sponsored by PinkyParadise.com-

3 Masks, 2 Pair of Lenses
-Sponsored by CandyLens.com-

I'm really looking forward to making these reviews on such great products!

Stay tuned~


  1. Can't wait for the review on these!

  2. What colours are the 2 pairs of lens which are sponsered by CandyLens? Looking forward to that~

  3. Congrats on the domain! :D
    and I am looking forward to the reviews too!

  4. I was thinking of making my blog a .com too, but my mom said it would confuse people haha!

  5. i have the cosmo gray coming too! i can't wait to see them on you and the rest of the reviews :D

  6. Yay on the domain name change! ♥ Definitely looking forward to your lens review too!

  7. cannot wait to see those on you! <3


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