April 6, 2012

La Belle Epoque - Club Event

Hi everyone!
This post will be quite different! ^___^

So, a while ago I went to this awesome themed club event! The theme was La Belle Epoque (1880-1920). I love love love the clothing during that time! So I was sooooo excited to attend to this event!

The biggest problem was of course... WHAT SHOULD I WEAR!?
But I think I solved it quite well after watching lots of picture on the net and so on.
The photos in this post is taken with my phone, I'm sorry for the very bad quality!

This is kinda like I wore my hair that night. I'm showing you this photo (which is when I tried out the hairdo) since it's the best picture of my hair from the side.
I was a little inspired by the beautiful ladies in my one of my favorite artist's paintings:

Here's my final look:

Before going to the club event I met up with a few friends at my friend's apartment to have a few drinks.
If I looks stiff it's because I'm wearing a corset that I got to borrow. Corsets make your body look amazing! *__* Totally worth it!
Can you believe that the dress I'm wearing is from H&M?
If it would have been longer it would have been more accurate for the epoch, but I'm happy that I found anything wearable at home!

I found these lovely ladies in the restrooms.
Amanda, me and Rika in the restrooms.

I met this handsome man at the club!
Isn't his uniform just amazing! It's an original from the end of 1800.
 Isn't his uniform just amazing! It's an original from the end of 1800.

So many people was wearing amazing clothes and I was in awe all night! The dancing halls were amazing with big mirrors and dark wooden details. Since it was too dark there it was impossible to take any good pictures of the surroundings.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. You mean 1880 - 1920? :D 

  2. Looks like a really fun night :D

  3. Haha, yes of course! I always make that mistake!

  4. awww so cuteeee!!!!
    i love your hair and your dress!
    kiss dear

  5. Oh my, your hair, everyones outfits! It's just amazing!

  6. You look really beautiful! I'm also in love with the style from that era *0* It would be so much fun to get to go to this kind of event! 

  7. this is such a cool event!! your hair looks amazing *o*

  8. GUD VAD JAG HADE VELAT GÅ PÅ NÅGOT SÅNT. Du ser helt fantastisk ut, kan inte du göra någon tutorial på den frisyren?! *_*

  9. You look amazing and very beautiful, I really love that hairstyle.

  10. What a wonderful theme! I LOVE your hair, you did a great job! And ugh, corsets. Love/hate relationship with them. I wore a steel bone corset for three days for an event and at the end of the night all I wanted to do was get out, my ribs got so sore. ><


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