October 21, 2012

Half Day in Stockholm

Hey everyone!
I realize I haven't made a post here in centuries, but to be honest, I haven't had any strength to update or felt like blogging at all. I think I just might having one of those moments where I don't feel like doing anything productive. The only thing I've done all this time is work, exercise and diet, gaming.
Anyways, I'll try to post more in the future, because I still enjoy blogging.

I have some real exciting news by the way! I'm going back to Japan and Korea this winter! And this time it's be a little bit different, me and Hyo will stay in asia at least 3 month (maybe more) mostly in Seoul I think. So I'm really looking forward to this and there's a lot to do! But I'm looking forward to some serious blogging while I'm in Asia.

Half Day in Stockholm

A while ago me, Hyo and our friend Michael went on a trip to Stockholm to attend at a Gal-boat event. This means that gyaru friends met to party on a cruise! But before going to the boat we had some fun walking around in Stockholm.

My look of the day.
Jacket: H&M / Tartan shirt: H&M / See-through shirt: OneTeaSpoon/ Infinity scarf: Carlings / Jeans: Bik Bok / Shoes: Dr Martens 

We had some lunch at a place called Yu Love Bibimbap which served Bibimbap, Ramen and other Korean and Japanese dishes. I had a Yakiniku Ramen with Kimchi, it was sooo delicious!

Later on we went to have a beer at a pub before going to the boat.
Philip and Hyo at the pub.

Michael with his beer.

Me. Yupp my hair looks awful, but I guess it's okay since we had been walking around city all day.

Photos of the party on the boat coming up next!


  1. You/your outfit looks amazing. Really well put together!

  2. I LOVE your outfit! It's so gorgeous <3
    your hair as well ^o^ I think I'll try something similar :D

    I also want to go to Japan and Korea ;_;
    Will you work while you are there?

  3. Your diet and exercise regime seems to work, you look more fragile than this summer! Can you do a post about your nutrition and excersice routine? I think a lot of people are interested haha.
    Anyway, nice to hear that you're going to SK! Have fun and take care.

  4. Wow 3 MONTHS?! how awesome is that! : ) good luck! What are you guys doing there for three months??

  5. 3 months? How amazing!! I hope you are in Japan in March so I can see you!

    Your style looks off the charts in your outfit shot! That plaid really looks great with your skintone, I love all the draping, too!

  6. I have been checking every week to see if you have updated, and finally you did! woop woop ♡ Love your outfit! And the hair looks really nice! Hope you had fun at the cruise. I really wanted to come but I had to work:'(

  7. I love your outfit. Layers <3 and your makeup is really cool!
    I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip!

  8. love your outfit! Casual yet elegant!

  9. I think you look great! The style is totally "street" and casual, but still looks stylish and not boring!

  10. Omg ! Fan vad glad jag är för din skull! Vill också!

  11. Hoppar bara in för att säga att ditt hår ser MAGISKT ut här, jag är sååååå avis *__*


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