August 6, 2009

Back to the Country of Boredom

Back in Sweden again.
Well, I've been here for a week now. But I've been too tired to do anything special or make a post here. Sorry! My plan is to post some of the photos from Japan I didn't have time to post later.
Today I'll only blog about regular stuff that happened this week.
The day after me and Hyo arrived in Sweden we went to a Japan convetion here in Örebro called Närcon.

This is what I wore on Friday of the convention. Nothing special really, just the dress I got from Bodyline for the modelling job. My bestfriend Josefin is standing next to me. She is awesomely pretty as always.

Outfit breakdown:
Dress: Bodyline
Blouse: Bodyline
Shoes: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Cardigan: Lindex
Bag: Clair's
Parasol: Metamorphose

I wore lolita on saturday too. This time I wore my lovely new dress from Angelic Pretty.
Kalaspuff(c) konventsbilder.seOutfit BreakdownDress: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Bodyline
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Bag: Clair's
Bows: Random Korean store

I was a bit hungry yesterday and I didn't know what to eat, then I remembered that I had brought furikake with me from Japan. So I decided to try it!
They are two different flavours: Egg and shaved tuna (katsuo).
It's like some kind of seasoning you put on the rice.

This is how it looks like when you put it on top of the rice.
It tastes pretty good. But I think I prefer Ochazuke.

The day before yesterday me and Hyo went to visit his mom. She lives in a small cute house with a pretty big garden. I got to pick some flowers to take home.
Pretty huh? ^___^
Yesterday I decided to wear pyjamas the whole day playing Final Fantasy XII and reading the last Harry Potter book. It was such a long time since I just stayed at home doing nothing! :D
And by the way, I just had to take a picture of my new nightwear. It's a two-piece wear; a top and a pair of shorts. I just love it! It's so cute!<3 br="">

I also thought I needed to take a pic of all the magazines I bought in Japan. SO MANY!
Now I can entertain myself for a while and I get a lot of inspiration from the outfits, hair and make-up.
I guess that was that for now!
I'm going to read my Harry Potter book now!

See ya! ^___~


  1. hi lovely! your blogs so great im totally hooked.
    I want the magazines so bad!
    I also was on the bodyline website and its cool that your the model! sucks your experience was so bad.
    You always look stunning!

  2. You look so beautiful in lolita *__* And Josefin too!
    I really wanted to go to Närcon, booo ;_; Ageha? :o

  3. gud, jag älskar din blogg! den är så söt! får mig att vilja klä mig gyaru-ish igen, haha :3
    synd att vi aldrig hann ses på närcon :( får bli en annan gång :)

  4. Very cute in lolita outfit!!!!

    hehe... no vivi magazine!! ooh :(

  5. Keely: Thank you! Makes me happy to hear that at least someone more than me is enjoying my blog! XD
    Aaw, thank you~! X3 But I don't agree! Hahaha

    Sascha: Aaaw, thank you! I think you look fab i lolita! You should wear it more though!^^
    Hahah, yes, no Ageha! Because... because. Ageha is pretty expensive and I can't buy them all :P I only buyed my favorites!

    Lina: Aaaw, tack! Vad glad jag blir!<3
    Du borde göra det! Du skulle vara skitsnygg i det!
    Jaa, hoppas vi kan ses snart ändå... :(

    Criztinita: Thank you~!<3
    Aaw, sorry! Couldn't buy them all! They are so heavy! XD


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