August 14, 2009

Picnic in Karlslund

This Monday me and my friend Hanna met to have a picnic in Karlslund. We went there by bike because the weather was pretty nice.

I was very pleased with my make-up and hair!
Hanna had made crepes with chantarelle filling and I made a salad to go with it.
It tasted so good and we were sooo hungry!
But I at until I was completely full!
After we had eaten we wanted to take some pics around the garden, because the surroundings there are really nice. What we didn't expect was that the sky was growing more and more cloudy!

That's how we ended up under the shelter of the dumpsters. We didn't have any umbrellas! >_<

It was raining so hard it was impossible for us to go home!
It started to thunder also (as if it weren't enough!)...

Hanna's mother came to rescue us from the bad weather. :)
And when it had calmed down we took a few photos before we headed home to Hanna.

Later on me and Hanna decided to watch a movie, because it had already begun to get late and the weather was stil unstable. So we watched the classic movie: Revenge of the Nerds
I just love it! XD

Outfit breakdown:

Hanna's outfit:
Dress: Innocent World
Socks: Metamorphose
Shoes: I am not sure... Ebay?
Necklace: Mymbles daughter
Ribbons: Made by herself

My outfit:
Dress: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Ebay
Socks: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Shoes: Innocent World
Bag: Claire's
Headband: H&M
Cake Ring: Ribbon Holic
Heart Ring: The Pink Fairies
Ribbon Ring: Random shop in Harajuku
Bracelet: MAM
Necklace: A present from mom

Lately I've been sucked into the last book of Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows.
It's sooo exciting! Sometimes it's too much excitement for me, I have to put the book away to do something else like... breathing!
Anyways, it's really good. And I have only a small part left to read. O___O

I'm going to read now... BYE!


  1. oh, det såg ut som att ni hade en trevlig dag! även det dåliga vädret ^^

  2. herre gud vad snygg du är! och du fick verkligen till hår och smink! den outfit passade dig verkligen och Hanna var oxå otroligt söt!

    (oj, vad creepy allt lät^^)

  3. Så sött ♥
    Jag dör lite innombord ♥

  4. Both of you look amazing *__* Sounds like so much fun!
    And it rained SO MUCH in Denmark last week - it was insane DX

  5. Lina: Jodå! Det hade vi! :)

    Linda: Aaaw, tack! Vad glad jag blir! ^____^

    Emiru: Du kan vara söt! SÖTO! X3

    Sascha: Thank you sweetie!<3 Yes, it was!^^
    Here it's been like... back and forward. You never know if it's going to rain or not! D:

  6. Halsbandet är från the mymbles daughter ^^

    Kul dag endå :D fast det regnade -___-

  7. Hanna: oj! Ska ändra det! :)
    Ja, det tycker jag med! :) hur det än blir är det kul att umgås med dig!


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