March 30, 2010

Geo Honey Wing Review - D'Beautyshop

I'm sorry that I made you guys wait! I said a long time ago that I'd make a review on my Geo Honey Wing. Now I'm finally done with the review!
I guess my reasons why I didn't do it earlier was maybe because I put too much pressure on myself to make it perfect. But I finally pulled myself together and did it, and I'm kind of pleased with the result now.

On to the review!

As I said in the review, I was sponsored by

I would say that I these are pretty comfortable compared to what I've been wearing before. but you'll need eye drops.

I really like the design! I like the dark brown circle around it. It gives a more defined look.

They look really good on They are 14mm large, which means that they are not as big as my Sweet Grey lenses. If you really want huge eyes these are not the lenses for you, but if you want natural big eyes, they're great.
They have a big pupil hole, this means that they really make your pupils look big indoors, but if you're out in the sun your pupils will get small and it will not look as natural.

The color isn't as light as I as thought it would be, but I like this color anyways. It's slightly lighter than my dark brown eyes.

As I said in the video, I got my lenses pretty fast. I was surprised when i got it, because it arrived so fast.

Overall, I'll give them a 4/5.
They are currently my favorite lenses!

Hope you liked this review!

Bye for now!♥


  1. helloo!!

    your blog is awesome ive been stopping by for a while now!
    i finally decided to make a blog so please visit my blog if you have time :D
    its about my life as an alt in japan ":D

  2. I really like's service ^-^
    The lenses look very good on you and your eyes are so pretty!

  3. Amazing review!
    Everytime I get even more interested about buying circle lenses!

  4. Åh, superbra review!
    Jag tycker jättemycket om din blogg ^^

  5. AmbiBambi: Hello!^^

    Thank you~! I'm happy you like it!♥
    I visited your blog, it's lovely!

    Bommiie: Yes, they are really nice actually ^__^ Aaw, thank you!^^ I really love these lenses!

    Cosmo: Thank you~! I'm very happy you liked it! Once you start using them, you'll get addicted to them XD

    MYMiC: Tack så mycket! Vad glad jag blir!♥♥♥

  6. I love your blog! So cute and fun! I'm just starting to embrace my inner gyaru!(‐^▽^‐)

    I've been really curious about these circle lenses, so when I saw your review I was very grateful! But I was wondering, I've seen articles online saying that circle lenses can be dangerous for your eyes because they aren't properly fitted like regular contacts. Is this just American paranoia? Or do you find them just as comfortable?

    Sorry for the weird question! Thanks for your time!


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