March 25, 2010

New Shoes, High waist Shorts and Monki

Hyo made my computer work again! But it's only temporary. I think it'll break any minute.
Anyways, I going to Stockholm tomorrow!
My brother, his best friend and our friend is celebrating their birthday, so they are throwing a big party! I'm really really looking forward to it! I think there will be about 50 people there!

So, I thought, I just got this month's money and I really want to wear something new at the party.
My first thought was to find a pair of high waist shorts and a scarf to go in my hair.

I found these shorts, but I didn't buy them because I wasn't sure if I really liked them (or if I thought they was flattering on my body). And I had no luck on the scarfs either, I didn't find any that looked like I wanted them to be.
When I was walking into a mall here in Örebro, I realized that they had rebuilt it and some new stores had opened there. I remembered that Malin had told me that they were going to open Monki in Örebro, but I had totally forgot it. I was so happy to see that they had opened a store here!
They have really nice clothes!
As always when I'm downtown I had to check the shoes shops and I saw these lovelies! They are truly beautiful! I just wish they weren't that expensive! (About 700kr, 70Euro)

But, just my luck! I found these shoes!

They were on sale so they only cost 199 Kr which is about 20 Euro! So cheap!
And you know what, I BOUGHT THEM!
I'm so pleased that I bought them! I've been wanting shoes like this! I love them!
What do you think?

Bye for now!♥


  1. I love those shoes, such a bargain!♥ They are so cuuute! :D

  2. Me too! I know! I'm very lucky that I found them!♥

  3. Wow, those shoes are really nice~ ♥
    Too bad I can't wear high heels myself..
    Well, I can, but only if they're about 2 inches high. ^^;

  4. That party sounds like it will be fun, have a great time!

    Hmm, I think it's difficult to find flattering high-waist shorts, I personally can't wear them haha.

    Wow, those shoes are fabulous! Great find^^

  5. I love the shoes you found! What a great bargain! :D

    I think it´s hard to find some highwaist shorts because when they´re too wide at the top they make you seem huge. I like it when they fit tightly in the waist area and maybe have some buttons there.

  6. really cute outfit
    you're skinny so the shorts looks good on u

    wow 20 euro, you got a deal!

  7. :D Hahahaha~ Omo i have the same pair of shoes xD I bought a month ago :) <3 I love em allot! :) I'm actually to tall to have high heels but hey i'm not gettin any shorter so why not? Grattz for your new cute shoes! And that outfit is supper kawaicho <3 :) Huggles*

    Oh btw! Are the shorts from monki?

  8. I love the shoes! Truly a great find!

  9. Cute shoes! I think high-waist clothing like shorts or skirts always looks better cinched with a belt (I tend to use a thicker belt).

    Have fun at your party!

  10. I like the lace-up detail, but with so much open areas on the top of the shoes I would personally prefer a closed toe.

  11. GET THOSE SHORTS. simply ADORABLE. love it.

  12. I am going to steal those shoes haha XD
    They're gorgeous!!


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