April 25, 2010

Ask Me Anything!

If you curious to know more about me, you may leave a comment and I'll try to answer as good as I can.
It can be anything from what foundation I use to questions about my travels. It can be anything, just things you'd like to know about me, or things I do.
You ask me questions once in a while, so I thought I'd make an entry for this.

Take care!



  1. how tall are you? ^ ^
    and how much do you weight? ^__^ <3333
    I really enjoy reading ur blog <3 ^__^

  2. hey, love your blog and you look gorgeous in that photo ♥
    what is your everyday hair and makeup routine and what products do you use?
    you always look sooo pretty!

  3. Hmm~ I would like to know about how much your Japan trip cost!~ :)) Oh and if you have some tips on where i should visit and so on~ Is it really the most ''awesome country''?~ :D Haha~

    You're very pretty~!! Love your new hair cut! I'm really (sugen :P) on cutting it short to!~ :D

    Oh i just came up with a awesome question!~ (well i think it's awesome :P x3) haha~ How did your interest for Japan start? Was it the sailor moon syndrome?xD x) Hhaha~

    Huggles* Peace and Ice cram love~ Awee*

  4. What is your skincare/beauty routine?

    What is your favorite animal?

    Have you ever felt scared about traveling? like have you ever had any experiences in Japan where you didn't feel safe? I hear Japan is pretty safe, but how is it for a foreigner?

    Thanks! ^__^

  5. Hey
    Carol here^^ im leaving to Japan to study for 1 year in Tokyo so my question is any shops, restaurants n places u recommend to visit? ^^

  6. Hi! ^^
    I will ask again, since you want to be a teacher, what subjects do you want to teach? ^^
    do you think its hard to study to be a teacher?

  7. Hi!!

    I just wanted to say that your very cute! hihih n_______________n

    And my question..: Can you show us your acrylic system or collection and tell where you got it? =) Thanks.

  8. Jag ska klippa mig den 5:e maj och jag ska då klippa håret ganska kort. Om du vill så kan vi kanske träffas nästa helg? ^^ Helgen därpå är jag dock upptagen. Ska till Borlänge då på mitt första riktiga dockmöte~

    Bild på frisyren jag ska skaffa finns i min bdb. ^^

  9. what camera do you use?
    what music do you like? ^^

  10. Were you considered tall in Japan im 170cm to so im curious?:D
    Love your blog.

  11. Do You Live In Sweden or JAPAN? i'm a little confused...and where do u buy Circle Lenses? :O

  12. Hey

    Jag gillar dina ögonbryn såå himla mkt, o jag undrar gör du dem sj lr fixar hos nån, någon bra tips?
    Massa kramar

  13. Hi!
    Your blog is awesome! I was just wondering if you are trilingual? Can you speak Swedish, English and Japanese fluently? That would be really cool.
    Thanks! <3 xoxo


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