May 1, 2010

Going for Modelling Again

My friend called my out again and needed a model for her school project and I will of course support her! I'm gonna take a shower now before I head away to her for the photo shoot.
I'm so excited! It's the same friend who did these photos of me and Hyo a while ago.

Make-up and hair update!
A while ago I found the perfect scarf to make a head bow. What do you think?
I wore it yesterday to a party (I'll put up some pics later) and I'll be wearing it on the photo shoot today! ^___^

Take care!
Bye for now!



  1. aww i really love your head bow
    really beautiful!!!
    hope u have a great photo shooting <3

  2. I'm excited to see the photos your friend will take of you!

    And that scarf ribbon suits you so well

  3. Pretty as usual! :)) Though a lil bit extra cute!~ <3 :) Can't wait to see em' :) Huggles*

  4. love the bow! you'll make a great model.. you look so tall!

  5. OMG!!! you are the cutest thing I ever seen!

  6. You look so pretty, your hair is so cute~ :3

    I love the headbow, I'm amazed!! How do you do that with a scarf? *o*


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