April 21, 2010

Late Night Inspiration

Hello everybody~!
I've been away for a few days now I'm sorry! I haven't gotten my computer yet, the insurance company is being stupid, but I'm working on it!

Lately I haven't had much time or reasons to dress up or to do my make-up for real. When I haven't done it for a while I kind of panic! I HAVE to dress up to feel good.
So, last night I was inspired to do gyaru make-up and I was kind of bored, so I ended up doing my hair, make-up and outfit in the middle of the night!
I'm really a weirdo!

Here's the result!
I like how my hair turned out.

I wanted to try something new, so I cut a few pieces from a pair of fake lashes that I have and glued it to my bottom lash line.
It was fun to try a different style.
My urge for summer is now huge! Please give me summer now! (It's almost May and it was snowing today!)
I dressed up in a summer outfit in protest!
(I didn't walk outside in the outfit though. Just for fun.^^)

I really haven't gotten any chance to wear my new heels. I might as well go clubbing this weekend just so that I can wear them Hahaha!

Just me talking and showing off my make-up:

Bye for now!



  1. I'm the same I want summer now!! But then again the girls round here where summer clothes and spring clothes in winter aswell I'm nto kidding. Love the make up! cool idea about the lashes

  2. I love the makeup and the hair!!

  3. Wow, your hair and makeup turned out really well. ^^ I wish I had your skills~ X)
    I want summer too! <3

  4. I do the same! Make up, dress up, doing my hair... In the night (before sleeping)!

  5. I love the make-up and outfit. Brrr, wasn't those legs cold? Id the weather in Sweden is just one bit as it is in Denmark, it's not all that good...
    I really like the first face shot because your facial expression is different from what you usually do : D <3

  6. Ohhh you're back!^^

    I really like your make-up, I wish I could do make-up like that, but I'm so clumsy XD
    Your eyes look really pretty, loved the trick of the pieces of fake-eyelashes in the bottom~!

    Also, yeah Summer is almost here~ in my country is already so hot here, I only saw snow once in my life ah o.O *jealous*

    I hope you have a great week and you post soon~^-^

  7. You are so pretty! You look like a model! *o*
    I like the idea of the bottom lash...maybe I should try it!

  8. love this look! You look like lena fujii and Rola's baby (if that were possible) really like the look, hope you didnt freeze in your protest! I'm doing the same here in chicago!! DX

  9. It's actually pretty nice here right now, but I want summer weather too!

    Your makeup is GORGEOUS, so nice I really like it! I love the bottom lashes, they look very nice. And I really love your heels, they are so cuute!

  10. I love your hair! It's totally cute, and your bangs are perfect~

    Your're so pretty <3

  11. that hair suits you really well!

  12. Your hair did indeed come out so fabulously. It really suits the shape of your face. And I like your makeup as well. I hope you have more chance to dress up soon^^

  13. you look so pretty! seriously you look like a model <3

  14. I love those shoes, I need some similar! :P

  15. I love your makeup and hair-style!! Really beautiful!

  16.  Aww<3 Love it! Could you make a hair tutorial of that hairstyle? I just fell in love with it =D

  17.  I'm happy you like it! But sadly I don't have this haircut anymore :( this blog post is over a year old now :O


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