I'm kidnapping Hyo computer again, hehe ^__^
As it's getting warmer everyday I'm really getting to feel that spring is actually slowly coming to Sweden too. I love spring so much!
The weather today was wonderful! Almost all snow is gone now and I'm really considering to start wearing my spring coat again
As it's getting warmer everyday I'm really getting to feel that spring is actually slowly coming to Sweden too. I love spring so much!
The weather today was wonderful! Almost all snow is gone now and I'm really considering to start wearing my spring coat again
A few days ago I wore this:

That day was also quite warm and I wanted to wear something spring-ish.
My make-up and hair was very simple too.

While I was watching TV, I was inspired to make a sketch The inspiration came from nowhere!
I haven't drawn in a long long time now!

I was actually studying for my test, so that's why I used a pen. Her mouth is a bit askew, but I thought it turn out well anyways.
Bye for now!
I love the liz lisa top and your make up is so pretty. Love the drawing I think the lips add charcter to your design making it unique more your style (sorry bad at explainging T_T)
ReplyDeleteYour outfit and hair look so lovely and spring like! Very pretty!
ReplyDeleteAnd I like your drawing style, it's very beautiful and emotional I think^^
I love the hair and the outfit!
ReplyDeleteI like your drawing too!!
i told you a hundred times !
ReplyDeleteyou're really really really beautiful !
i like you (i'm straight anyway)
That drawing is adorable! :3
ReplyDeleteI like your outfit and hairdo and make-up *ww* ♥
so cute!! xxxx
ReplyDeleteThat top is just adorable. *www* It looks great on you, and so does the hair and make-up. I'm also getting a lot of spring feelings, here all snow is gone and we have had sunny weather several days now. I want to dress in summer's clothes! Unfortunately it's still too cold. :'c
ReplyDeleteAnd you're really good at drawing!
Hittade precis till din blogg och herregud vad jag tycker om den <333
ReplyDeleteDu skriver om precis sådant jag gillar och jag är lite avis att du åkt till japan och att du ska dit igen! :P
Någon gång i framtiden har jag och min kille tänkt åka dit också och jag tänkte fråga dig (om det är ok?) om hur mycket pengar du tycker man bör ta med sig?
Till mat, shopping, aktiviteter och liknande..
Har du också något tips på vad man absolut måste se om man åker dit?
you're the cutest ever ♥!
ReplyDeleteyou look so pretty!
ReplyDeleteyour draw is so beautiful!!
Kawaii *w*
ReplyDeletecool sketch.I draw a lot especially in the classrooms.Sometimes I sketch in colored pens.I think my classmates are tired of seeing me sketch.haha.
ReplyDeleteCute coordinate, love the spring style. Plus cute drawing :D
ReplyDeleteOmo~ so pretty both you and the drawing! :) You're very talented how come you didnt stuffy art school instead? You're awesome u know~ <3
ReplyDeleteI looove your hair~ Maybe i'll cut it too~ hmmmm :3
Huggles* Peace and Ice cream <3
your blog is very cute. *o*
ReplyDeleteJättefin teckning. ^^
ReplyDeleteHar du läst mitt pm förresten som jag skickade till dig på forumet?
supersöt top!
ReplyDeletedu var också galet bra på att rita, love it^^
ReplyDeleteI wonder, you said before that you were studying to become a teacher.
what do you want to become a teacher in?
Which subjects do you want to teach? :D
such a cute blog ^^
aww u look so lovely <3
ReplyDeletelike the hair
So pretty!~ :3 I saw you on a uppcon cosplay vid on youtube~ You look totally awesome!~
ReplyDeleteI was on uppcon this year, and i've made a post about it~ I thought you might be interested, if not then sorry to bother~ Feel free to visit my site if you'd like to see a lil bit from the convent! ;):) Hugggles*
Ami: No, I understand what you mean^^ Thank~! I'm happy you like it!
ReplyDeleteさらまり: Thank you~!<3 It's always hard to make things look alive in drawings.
Grace: Thank you~! ^__^
Pooop: Hahaha, aaw, thanks sweetie!<3
Linni: Thank you!^^ I'm happy you like it!
Mimi: Aaw, thanks! xoxox :3
zoo-bie: Thanks hun!<3 Yeah, it's too cold T_T
Ketheya: Åååh, tack! Vad glad jag blir!^^
Jag tror det är bäst att ha runt 15000kr om man ska vara där runt en månad och slippa känna att man är för fattig att kunna shoppa och så. 10000kr klarar man sig på, men det blir lite lite.
Ojoj, finns så mycket man kan göra! det beror ju på vad ni vill göra. Men förutom shopping, god mat och sånt är det ju kul att gå på tema restauranger/barer/caféen. De är dekorerade i ett specifikt tema. Var till exempel på ett princess café, det var kul :)
Men det roligaste tycker jag är att träffa japaner och få nya vänner att hänga med!^^ Så att lära sig lita japanska innan underlättar!
Insertcake: Aaw, thanks sweetie! X33
Bommiie: Thank you~!♥
Srta Keiko: Arigatou~!^^
Princess Mickey: Thank you! Haha, yeah, it's fun to draw!^^
Bianca: thank you!^^ It's very simple, but i like it :3 thank you!
Aweeland: Thank you!^___^ Hehe, actually, I'm not THAT good at it. It's fun, but i don't think I can become anything with it. :(
But thank you!^^
Haha, yeah, meduim short hair is actually really cute! I like it! :3
*huggles back*
Frifri Gyaru: Thank you~!^__^ I'm glad you like it!
Yuzuki: Taack så mycket!^^
Ja, det gjorde jag, men jag glömde svara! förlåt! >_<
Men vore askul att ses :)
MYMiC: Tack! Jag älskar den!<3 Taack! ^__^ Vad glad jag blir!
Anonymous: Hello!^^
I'm going to be a junior-level teacher, so i'll be teaching many different subjects.
Thank you! I'm happy you like it!^^
••RASPBERRY JAM••: Thank you~!^^
Awee: Thanks sweetie! Really!?^^ thanks!
I saw your photos! It was fun looking at them I'm sad I couldn't come this year :(
*hugs back*