May 14, 2010

Photoshoot - Make-up

I'm sorry guys!
The photoshoot pics are not done yet, but I thought I'd post my make-up I did.
I was VERY pleased with it!
For the first time I feel like I can wear red lipstick. I always thought I couldn't pull it off, but I discovered that it looks really good on me when I draw the upper lip line a bit bigger. Usually I don't have an upper lip! Hahah XD
(I don't like my expression I do here >_<, but it shows the make-up well)
I was actually inspired to do a makeup that wasn't the regular gyaru make-up I usually go for. I used TWO PAIR OF FAKE LASHES! and I thought it looked great!^^ Wanted to create a dolly look.

What do you think?

Bye for now!


  1. Very pretty.It suits you.

  2. Oh that is so cute ♥
    Suits you well Becca ♥
    Hope to see the photos soon ~ !!

  3. can i be honest? i think this look makes you look older (that's not nesacarily a bad thing, but...)
    i like your previous makeup way better
    just a opinion...remember you don't have to take it.

  4. The first photo is so pretty! Not that you look bad in the 2nd, I just hate flash so much! Haha, I refuse to use it when I take photos.

  5. its looks really beautiful!
    the red lipstick looks good on you! :)

  6. So cute! ^__^ Hope it went well!

  7. i actually really like ur hair

  8. Wow haha~ :O Ok you're always really pretty... But You're like extra pretty~!! Super pretty here~ Like the make up, a total success as you were going for a dolly look ne? Lovin it!~ <3

    And i cant agree with the ''anonymous'' as I think you actually look younger this way... :))

    Damn gal~ D: I've been waiting for my hair to grow out and now when I'm finally there looking at you pix i really want to cut mine haha~ Nothing on you gal, It's just my usual weird thinking haha~ <3 :)) Super pretty anyways cant wait to see the pictures :))

    Huggles* Keep it up~ <3

  9. "Usually I don't have an upper lip" hihih så sööt :) Du var jättevacker :)

  10. aww you're so cute~ make up looks great and i love you scarf! ♥

  11. That make-up makes you look just like gabriella solis in desperate housewives! :D♥

  12. Oh I like how you matched your lippy with your headscarf :D I think the lippy really compliments your hair and skincolour, Love it~
    I have that same problem with the no upper lip thing *where did it go?* T.T

  13. wow! it does look really pretty :)

  14. reallly love your lips *___*

  15. gorgeous lip colour.. you have such big, dolly eyes :)

  16. What a cute blog you have :)

  17. i love the makeup! we need to see more red lipstick on gyaru u.u because it's so gyaru! u.u XD

  18. I only can say OMG YOUR EYES ARE REALLY BIG!!! lol

    I love fake lashes, but I alwais fail when I try to put them on, ugh... (I'll try again!!!)

  19. It looks really good on you!
    Congrats, and I hope the photoshoot went well!:D

  20. i think its cute none the less!! :D

  21. Omg! where did you get that scarf? i have been looking forever...

  22. i love that bow!

    such a pretty face, very cute blog!


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