May 9, 2010

Madlen's Birthday

Yesterday I went to celebrate my friend Madlen's 21st birthday! ^__^
I felt a bit bohemic yesterday too, so I did my hair a bit different with my hair extensions. It's simple, but I like it!
Simple outfit too.
All the girls at Madlen's place. We ate taco and watched a movie before we went out to the club.

Me and the birthday girl!
We had a wonderful night! It was great! ^__^

By the way, I'm still working on your questions, I'm doing my best to answer them as good as I can!

Bye for now!


  1. I love your new bohemian style, it really suits you!^^

    Ah the party looked like so much fun ~

    Eheh I'm curious about the answers to the questions~xD

    Have a nice week^^~

  2. Your hair style is so cute and beautiful!

  3. you look so pretty!
    I like it! <333

  4. oh your bf is korean?!
    hmm i never had a long relationship with anyone other than asian
    white girls here dont like asian guys
    yes pusan is way fun! the people are nicer there and there are beaches all around
    it is nothing like seoul!

  5. really cute hair and makeup :)

  6. Minsu: Thank you! I've really grown found of it! ^__^ You too~!

    Monica: aaw, thanks hun!<3

    さらまり: Thanks sweetie!^^

    star-dust: Thank you~! X3

    Ken: Heheh, yes, he is, but he's adopted so he's grown up in Sweden :) so practically he's Swedish XD
    Wow, you really make me wanna take a train and go to Pusan instead! :O

    Nic nic: Thanks you~! ^__^

  7. Aww you are so cute!! :O

    I am planing to buy circle lenses but I don't know which one I should choose.
    I love the sweet gray lenses, they look so good on you! Do they look naturally in real life? Do they cover your natural color? Do they give you the "dolly eyes"?

    I don't know which one I should choose, sweet gray or sweet brown. ( I have dark green eyes) What do you think? :)

  8. KItty:
    Thank you~! ^__^

    actually, the sweet gray lenses look very unnatural, so I recommend you buying Pure Brown or Pure Gray. I've seen them on many different people in videos and they look really amazing! I'd like to buy a pair myself! I've also heard many people like them because they're very comfortable.
    As soon as I come to Korea and Japan this summer I'll search for them!

    If you have dark green eyes I'd suggest you buying brown lenses. Green and brown looks amazing together! Because they're circle lenses they have a bigger pupil hole, so your really eye color will show.
    But choose which color you like the most :) I think gray would look good too!

    Hope this helped you some ^__^

  9. You are soooo cute!!
    I love your hair.

  10. Sayablack: Thank you~! ^-^ I'm happy you like it! xoxo

  11. Lovely style!
    Your hair looks gorgeous, like it :)

  12. I'm not sure if i sent you this already but...

    For the June issue or eleanorzine I was really interested in focusing in on gal style. i was wondering if you'd be interested in being featured. I'll email you with further details if you are. I hope so because you are so great and cool and I would be honored to have you featured in the zine.

    Take care,

    email me @ if you are interested!! i would love to work with you :)

  13. Oooh det där passar verkligen dig <3 Du är så sjukt vacker vännen <3

  14. Ohh va fint det blev, jag har fortfarande inte varit iväg och köpt löshår men varje gång jag loggar in på din sida så blir jag påmind ;)

    Juste, jag tänkte fråga en sak. Du åker ganska ofta till korea eller?
    Är det möjligtvis så att du kan prata koreanska då? :):)

    Jag skulle fråga om en tjänst isåfall (a)

  15. Mindey: Thank you~!

    Emmelie: Aaw, tack sötnos<3

    Lund: Hehe, löshår är nice!

    Njaa, nu är det min andra gång :) Nej, jag kan tyvärr inte mycket koreanska alls :( Vad var det du tänkte på då?

  16. Okej, hmm..

    Nej jag har hittat ett koreansk klädmärke som jag älskar, men vissa saker går inte att översätta med google-translate så jag vet inte riktigt hur jag ska göra :P

    men tack ändå :))

  17. Hi ! I follow your blog for almost one year now and I like a lot your style, especially your bohemian gyaru style ! All the best.

    Ps: On the photo, is it a Liz lisa outfit ?

  18. Yoshi: Really?!^^ Thank you so much! I'm happy you follow it and read my blog! I'm happy you like my style! I'm really getting found of the bohemian style now!
    Yes, the top is Liz Lisa :3


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