May 2, 2010

Unfinished Photo

This is an unedited photo from the photoshoot My friend will try to draw on some strings to make me look like a puppet doll.
I like this photos because my legs look so freakish long and I like the awkward pose I did here. ^__^
I'm so excited to see the finished photos!♥

Bye for now!


  1. Very nice! I can't wait to see the finished photos too!! :]

  2. wow you must be really tall! lol i can't wait to see the edited photo of this :D

  3. the photo is´s look really pro

    so I hope the photoshoot will be done soon..^^V

  4. OMG!!
    vars har du köpt de där underbara shortsen?? har letat i flera månader efter ett par liknande!!

    vore super om du svarade!!

  5. Grace: Thank you! ^___^

    CrystallyzeD 'Gugu' クリ: Hahah, actually, i'm only 170cm, but in this photo I look very tall. I guess it's the pose and the angle. I'm so excited myself!<3

    Agapon: My photographer is great! and i really felt like I did good in these photos :3
    Me too! ^__^

    Anonymous: Hahah, jag har också letat i all evighet faktiskt och hittade dem tillslut på Cubus, men då fanns inte min storlek så jag fick sy in dem :P Jag ville verkligen ha dem!<3

  6. So interesting~!Can't wait to see the final photo!;p

  7. Wooow your legs look so nice *_* so long!

  8. Your legs do indeed look fabulous! Those shorts are very cute^^

  9. I like this picture too :)

  10. This is a great shot! You look really beautiful~ ^^

  11. It reminds me abit of gaga style!! :D cuteeee!

  12. I love the photo, you look really gorgeous!

    Have a good week, I hope you post soon again~!^^

  13. Verkar kunna bli en riktigt cool bild ^^

    Såg att du smsat, hade inte tid att svara just då sen glömde jag >.<

    Men du lär väl se här :)
    Jag åker till skolan nu i veckan men på fredag kan du hämta pengar om du vill? Kram!

  14. så jävla snyyyyyyyyygggdjhgdjuhrigf



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