May 8, 2010

Greek Restaurant

Today me and Hyo went to a Greek Restaurant with his mom and some people we know.
I feel such strong urge for summer that I even dress like it's summer when it's actually still too cold! Hahaha, I'm a weirdo!

So this is my outfit.
I've been wanted to do something more bohemian, but I don't have enough bohemian clothes and accessories, but at least I tried. I kinda like this outfit.
Without the Liz Lisa jacket:
My food.

I chose lamm fillet with potato wedges and tsatsiki sauce.
It was absolutely delicious!♥

I'm actually working on the questions you asked me and I'll post them soon ^__^

Bye for now!



  1. That is a lovely summer outfit! Too bad the weather is not warmer.

    I love Greek food, that looks so yummy^^

  2. gillar klänningen MAAAASSOR! vart har du köpt den?? ^^ <3 sötis

  3. Lovely outfit! It looks so effortlessly pretty~

    Yummy food :O

  4. Oh love your dress~ :)) You're so damn pretty hun~

    I was at a greek restaurant in GBG yesterday~ On the other hand my mum always makes tsatsiki as we are Macedonians... haha~ greeks and Macedonians always quarrel over food and overall political stuff... so greeks call it... well yeah xD ''tsatsiki'' and Macedonians ''taratur'' :) (Wish we could stop fighting someday though~) Well anyways i really love it especially with some extra garlic :)) <3

    Huggles! peace and ice cream locve Awee~ <3

  5. I LOVE this dress! So in style right now!


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